betha bach sign



Through my experimentation with brewed coffee and watercolor paper, I have discovered that the strength and roast of coffee can produce a range of colors, from dark green to beautiful brown and yellow. Interestingly, the different brands of coffee also produce distinct shades. In some cases, I have utilized a mild mixture of color ink to enhance the pigmentation. My use of coffee as a medium is part of a creative visualization process called Kape, which translates to coffee in Tagalog. Through this process, I explore the connections between our natural and spiritual lives, tapping into prophetic dreams and visions, whether conscious or unconscious. Coffee is a powerful symbol of awakening, both internally and externally, enabling us to become more aware of the world within and around us.
"Beautiful Mind"
"An Audience of One"
"Faithful and True"
"Beautiful and Mighty"
"Nothing is Set in Stone"
"The Inner Man"
"The Father's Heart"
"Nothing is Hidden"
"Fragrance of Friendship"
"The Parable of the Ten Virgins"
"The Defier in Remission"
"Hebrew Calf Fiend Addiction"
"Exposing Lies"
"Resting Well"
"I am the Bride"
"The Wedding Feast"
"Urban Cowboy Coffee"
"Angel Armies"
"The Carousel of Life"
"Counting Sheeps"
"Mocha Swirl"
"Beast of the Field"
"The Green Pasture"
"Son Worship"
"Eve Deceive"
"Adam Down! Adam Down!"
"Water Rescue"
"Fishing Flying Fish"
"Coffee Caiques"
"We Wrestle Not"
"First Born"
"First Finale"
"The Alpha and Omega"
"In Step"
"Lifted Up"
"Billow Talk"
"Watch Men"
"Segue Terminal"
"Ladies Waiting 1"
"Ladies Waiting 2"
"The Spirit and the Bride"
"Psalm 139"
"Exposing Lies"
Journey Within
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