Art Blog

Welcome to Open Art Journal, my art blog where I share insights on various art topics, my faith, and my creative space. This platform serves as a wonderful opportunity for us to engage in meaningful dialogue and exchange thoughts through the forum. Your presence here is valued, and I encourage respectful and open conversations. I look forward to getting to know you and hearing your reflections on the posts.

“Creating Christ-Centered Art Compositions: A Guide to Amazing Paintings”

Title <p>By Betha Bach</p> <figure> <img width=”1650″ height=”1275″ src=”” alt=”” srcset=” 1650w,×232.jpg 300w,×791.jpg 1024w,×593.jpg 768w,×1187.jpg 1536w,×309.jpg 400w” sizes=”(max-width: 1650px) 100vw, 1650px” /> <figcaption>”Justice and Mercy”

“Creating Christ-Centered Art Compositions: A Guide to Amazing Paintings” Read More »

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