4th Quarter


Wow, time flies so fast, and now we are already in the 4th quarter! This has been such a great year for Matt and me. God has been refining, equipping, and using Matt and me for His glory while advancing His Kingdom’s work.


“I had to get back on track and recover in a hurry after being sick. There were many things to be done for the Operation Light Force Banquet. This involved more multimedia work for me to assist the marketing staff in ensuring a successful Banquet and Auction. It has always been a privilege to work with them, and God provided us with everything we needed to have such a beautiful evening.”

About the Freedom Park

The Restoring Joy Banquet and Auction is an exciting event that has been thoughtfully organized with the main objective of bringing to life the Freedom Park vision. This important initiative is one of the many ministries that fall under the umbrella of Operation Light Force (OLF), which is a nonprofit organization that is committed to providing exceptional care and assistance to those who have been impacted by brokenness and despair.

The purpose of Freedom Park is to provide a safe haven and nurturing environment for individuals who are in dire need of extended care to help them heal from the trauma associated with the “Broken Soul Ministry”. As OLF continues to grow and expand its reach, there is an urgent need for a facility that can guarantee round-the-clock care and guidance to the survivors who receive such vital ministry.

Therefore, the upcoming Restoring Joy Banquet and Auction is expected to bring together like-minded individuals, volunteers, and supporters who share the same passion for helping the less fortunate. It is an opportunity for everyone to join hands and support this noble cause, as we strive to make a positive impact on our society.

“Freedom Park is still in the process of building this vision for a while, but as OLF steps forward, we continue to learn and cast the vision of making it happen while sharing testimonies of the lives that have been impacted by the ministry. There is so much that God has been doing in the healing ministry that it needs to be shared. I fully believe in this and am so thankful to be part of Kingdom works. Check out Freedom Park to learn more.”

“Restoring Joy” is a powerful and inspiring short storybook that tells the real-life stories of seven individuals who have endured immense and prolonged trauma, which have left deep wounds on their souls and disrupted their entire lives. The level of suffering these individuals have experienced is difficult to comprehend and includes horrific abuse, satanic rituals, human trafficking, and mind-control programming. However, it is truly a story of hope and healing because these individuals have found solace in God, who heals the brokenhearted.

The book not only shares their compelling stories of pain and suffering, but it also demonstrates the incredible work that God can do. By partnering in prayer and ministry at OLF, transformation and healing can be achieved for even the most profound cases of abuse. The inspiring testimonies in the book will be an excellent resource for those seeking help and guidance in this area.

Currently, “Restoring Joy” is in the process of being published and is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2022. The book’s goal is to raise awareness and to encourage others to engage in prayer and ministry to promote healing and restoration in the lives of those who have suffered unspeakable traumas.

Restoring Joy Banquet and Auction

This has been part of the vision that God laid in my heart for my paintings and artworks—to make use of them for fundraising projects and as a tool for evangelism. I had donated ten of my paintings for the auction and four custom-made art gift certificates. I was given an opportunity before and during the banquet to share my artist’s vision and a couple of descriptions about some of the paintings. OLF had produced video testimonies and a book to share about the ministry and Freedom Park. Please check out the video testimony below.

Matt and I visited Wings of Grace in Melbourne, Florida on November 2nd. While there, we met with their sister organization, Christ Flights, and took a one-day trip to the Bahamas to meet with Christ Flights’ potential ministry partners there. We had been praying for openings in the aviation ministry for a while. Last summer of 2020, Matt graduated from the College of Missionary Aviation and has been building flying time at SkyDive Plaka. We have been reaching out to various missionary aviation ministries to see if we would be a good fit for their organization. However, many mission flights have slowed down since the start of the pandemic. We believe God is in control of the timing on our journey, and while we wait, we continue to do His work in His Kingdom. As some of you who are close to us know, our schedules are filled with ministry work and can get busy quickly each week.

Run to Freedom Spartan Race Trifecta 5k

“They made it! It was 86 degrees out at Lake Placid, Florida during the race. I had planned to run with them and take pictures while they did each obstacle course, but instead, I sat down on the ground with my umbrella under the heat of sunny, humid Florida. I prayed for Matt and Richard to have all the strength they needed to finish the race. I sipped ice water and looked at people in the race, muddy and exhausted, quite happy and in pain! I couldn’t imagine the surprise of thirty burpees for not completing each obstacle that my husband had to do. I was worried for a little bit but felt supportive. Over an hour, there he is! I saw Matt from afar, almost unrecognizable and about to finish the final obstacle. I felt relief from the anxiousness I felt from this race. Yup! I can say now that I am married to a Spartan!”

“Run to Freedom” Spartan Race is meant to raise awareness about the ministry that Matt and I, along with the Operation Light Force, are carrying out. Matt has been a prayer minister and an ordained pastor since 2021. Please check out the video to learn more about the “Run to Freedom” Spartan Race 5K.


“We are excited to travel back to Burque to spend time with family for Christmas and New Year. We had such an amazing time with all of them and rocked some karaoke while enjoying each other’s company. Spending Shabbat dinner with Matt’s daughter was particularly amazing. It was perfect that both Christmas evening and New Year’s Eve fell on Friday night and Saturday. We prepped meals for Shabbat on both days and just spent time with everyone. I was really happy and encouraged about it. Although Matt and I usually spend a rest day doing communion, praying, praise, and worship, and enjoying each other’s company, Shabbat is equally as cool. Speaking a blessing for each child before the meal was special and watching their eyes light up was precious. I loved the candlelight dinner. Matt continues to do ministry appointments during our vacation for at least 2 or 4 hours during the day. We’re prepping ourselves for days of fasting when we get back home to Florida and praying for many things, particularly for God to do something for the Aviation Ministry in 2022.”

We made it through 2021 by the grace of God!

The pandemic does not stop the work of God. He is always mighty and great, and his dominion endures throughout all generations. We are so thankful for all the support you have given through prayer and donations. We cannot do this without your full devotion to advancing His Kingdom through the ministry that Matt and I have been doing. You have poured out your time and resources as a sweet offering to God, and it encourages both me and Matt to do even more in the coming year. You are amazing in sending letters, messages, and encouragements to us, and it warms our hearts. Thank you so much, and we love you all!

Recap List 4th Quarter 2021

It is still doing his time building at Skydive Palatka and had almost reached his 800 hrs. flight

We flew to the Bahamas on Nov. 2nd with Christ Flight to check out the ministry down there.

We serve at the Banquet and Auction for Restoring Joy at Operation Light Force

Matt and I travel to Texas to do ministry

Matt is still doing personal ministry appointments online with some of our clients

I have been doing my new paintings before the end of the year and 2022 

Matt did his 5k Spartan Race for Run to Freedom

I help put together the Freedom Park Website

We are still doing our support raising development for ministry partners

Prayer List

Pray for Matt and me for God’s blessings, and strength

Pray for the next step in Aviation Ministry 2021. That God will give us clarity in where and what organization He wants us to be part of. 

Pray for the people we have been ministering that they will receive freedom, breakthrough, and a continual God’s encounter of healing miracles. 




+1 505 550 8738


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