school of ministry
2nd Quarter Newsletter
April to June 2021
Summer is here! As we continue to serve God through the Inner Healing and Deliverance Prayer Ministry, we are so thankful for all your prayers and support. God is keeping Matt and I busy at Operation Light Force (OLF) and our personal ministry where God continues to bring us amazing people to minister to. There is such a huge demand for our time but it is a blessing to do because God is so awesome at setting people free from all kinds of oppressions and we are thankful for where He called Matt and I to serve Him. Even though we have a busy schedule every week, Matt and I make sure to keep our Sabbath rest. We need those days to be refreshed, fully charged, and just soak in God’s presence.
Great Lives Require Great Preparation

On April 16th, Matt was one of the Speakers of OLF’s weekend Healing Conference. He taught about the Body, Soul, and Spirit and I was privileged to lead the worship that night as well. I thank the Holy Spirit for my confidence. He has empowered me to sing in front of the people proclaiming His Word and praising Him. It was indeed an awesome night. God’s presence was so heavy in the room and we thank Him for His faithfulness.
On April 23rd I had the privilege to serve as one of the evaluators for Assemblies of God Fine Art Competition, PF Youth District Competition. It was my first time joining this event and it was such an awesome experience to see all the talents and skills within the Body of Christ. The competition was held in Orlando and many churches had joined to support this event around the state. It is such a great experience, encouraging these talented, young men and women to pursue and grow in their skills and talents.
On June 8th, I graduated from the Greenhouse School of Ministry in their hybrid program. It is a 9-month program that consists of 100+ hrs of teaching lessons and spiritual disciplines. The whole program challenged me to give importance to my spiritual disciplines as a disciple of Christ Jesus. Some courses I took were; Justice and Global Mission, Fundamental Principles of Discipleship, Disciple Making, Pursuing Healing in your Spirit, Soul and Body, God Seeking, Biblical Studies, and more. It was worth it to be trained and equipped in this most important area of our Christian walk that answers the question: “What is it to be a Disciple of Christ Jesus?”. The Greenhouse School of Ministry has provided me with a 50% scholarship! I am so thankful for their generosity. About 50 students graduated in this class from different parts of the world. If you are interested to know more about the Greenhouse School of Ministry check out this link. GSM
From June 21st to the 26th, Matt had an opportunity to serve at an annual aviation youth camp. He spent the whole week flying the camp participants. He also shared a sermon and his testimony one night for the campers and encouraged them to pursue their God-given passion and calling. It was such a lovely night and many of the participants responded to the sermon and had several of them accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Matt spoke about Faith and Trusting God. He had correlated the airplane instruments to the importance of hearing and following God’s instruction, being able to step on with faith and at the same time knowing when to move. The title of the sermon was “Trust Your Instruments”.

We are keeping our eyes and ears open for what God has for us in Missionary Aviation now that Matt has finished 500+ hours of flying time. Matt will continue to do time building and training until God opens the door for us to the missionary aviation field. We have contacted a few mission organizations and will build relationships with them as God moves us towards the missionary field.
Matt and I are continuing to build our team of partners in ministry and missionary aviation. Please keep us in prayer for that. As always, it is an honor to partner in God’s Kingdom works here on earth through the ministries He has called us to serve. We give Him all the glory! What God has entrusted to us, we desire you all to be part of!
+1 505 550 8738
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