On June 27th of 2020 Matt graduated from The College of Missionary Aviation.

Matt’s Graduation Picture at College of Missionary Aviation Hangar.
Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus
Philippians 1:6

Emotional speech is given by graduates during the ceremony with Tim Huggins.
On June 27thof 2020 Matt graduated from The College of Missionary Aviation. This was the one of most-awaited and celebrated moments of our calling. Matt received his Bachelor of Science degree in Missiology with an Emphasis in Aviation. Part of the graduation requirement was to have completed his commercial pilot’s license with an instrument rating. We give God all the praises and honor for the success of this journey. We are still in awe of His faithfulness. Our hearts overflow with gratitude for all of the people who supported us in prayer, encouragement, and finances. Thank you all for your generosity by allowing God’s resources to flow through you. As Matt and I journey into fulltime ministry it is our prayer that God blesses all who supported us and believed in God’s plan for our life.

Matthew Kindle accepting his Diploma with his wife and the College Pres. Robert. Britton and former College Dean Randy Kemmerer. Matt graduated with honors on a Dean’s list.