2023 newsletter
The kindle chronicles

for the curious
Greetings! I’m delighted to share an update on our recent activities. Apologies for the delay in communication, but I’m pleased to report that our close friends and family are already up-to-date through personal conversations. As for the rest of you, I’d like to offer a glimpse into our 2023 endeavors. We’ve been busy with several exciting projects, and I’m thrilled to share details with you.
Before delving into the details of Heart of Heaven’s partnership and collaboration, let’s take a moment to reflect on the significance of the year 2022. It was the year that marked the beginning of a beautiful journey for us at Heart of Heaven. We had the privilege of partnering with the HOH ministry in San Antonio, Texas, and it has been a wonderful experience thus far.
Our partnership with Heart of Heaven involved various stages, from providing guidance to equipping the team with resources. We worked closely with the dedicated Richter couple, who are the backbone of the Heart of Heaven ministry, to make sure that they were equipped to serve individuals in need of inner healing and deliverance in Texas. The journey was not always easy, but by utilizing online communication tools and traveling back and forth to Texas, we were able to work together in person to make a tangible impact.
Fast forward to the present day, and Heart of Heaven’s ministry has grown tremendously. The positive impact of their ministry within the body of Christ has been nothing short of remarkable. As they continue to encounter an increasing demand for their prayer ministry, Heart of Heaven is currently developing a program to train more prayer ministers to meet this need.
What sets Heart of Heaven apart is its collaboration with churches and rescue facilities to offer personalized ministry services. They understand that each individual is unique and requires a tailored approach. Their ministry service has touched and transformed numerous lives, serving as a beacon of hope to those who need it. We are incredibly proud to be a part of their journey, and if you are interested in learning more about Heart of Heaven’s ministry, please feel free to visit their website at www.heartofheaven.org.
“We are continuing our partnership with Operation Light Force in Tampa. Recently, the ministry has undergone significant changes resulting in a shift to online platforms. As a result, we have not spent three days a week in Tampa for ministry. We fully support the direction that God is taking OLF and have faith in their mission. Matt has been actively involved in collaborating with OLF’s recipients remotely, particularly those who are struggling with a broken soul. As such, he reserves two days each week for OLF and a further two for Heart of Heaven. We appreciate the technological tools that have allowed us to connect and minister via video calls. Indeed, it’s a cost-effective and convenient way of doing things, although it does not replace in-person ministry sessions. We are glad to be working with people in and outside the US.”
At the beginning of this year, I was involved in creating several pieces of artwork for my upcoming solo exhibit at the Gallery in Melrose. It has been a long two years since my last solo exhibit, and I am thrilled to unveil my new portfolio of pieces. Additionally, I am excited to announce the opening of my new Etsy shop soon, which will feature prints of my work and other on-demand products. Although this venture is not directly ministry-related, I am confident that these designs will inspire and bring joy to my customers. Yay! The shop will launch soon, but I believe in taking the time to finalize the details before sharing it with others. Please be on the lookout for upcoming posts about Tee-ological.
Last July, Matt and I embarked on a 7-week journey by car across the United States. Our adventure began in the Panhandle of Florida, where we visited our missionary friends who were preparing to relocate to Alaska. We had the opportunity to carry out some in-person ministry with Heart of Heaven ministry recipients and spend some time with the Richters. We drove to New Mexico and celebrated Matt’s birthday with family for the summer. Our journey then took us to South Dakota, where we visited with Matt’s relatives, and we also made a few stops to catch up with close friends and family along the way. Despite his ministry commitments, Matt was able to maintain a flexible schedule, dedicating a few hours per weekday to work while we visited loved ones. We remained productive during the drive, through online video calls doing ministry, and it was a successful trip overall.
It is important to have a work-life balance to maintain emotional and mental well-being. In this ministry, it is crucial that we balance rest and prayer amidst the sometimes overwhelming experiences we encounter, and through this, we have found that having time to visit with loved ones and appreciate nature has been invaluable. Staying grounded is essential for us, and Matt has found this to be a helpful practice. As we strive to live and work with purpose, we recognize the importance of creating healthy boundaries in our personal lives and ministry. This is a common challenge faced by many in ministry, and should not be met with shame or judgment, but rather with consideration and support.
Matt and I are delighted to inform you that we have moved into a new mobile home. Our previous RV was encountering multiple problems, making it unpleasant to inhabit. For some time now, we have been praying for a new RV and have saved enough to put down payment to buy one, instead of spending funds on maintenance. We have made it well kept but unfortunately, our old 20-year-old RV has reached its end of life, and we are grateful for having been blessed with a new one after six years of occupying it. The new RV comes as a great benefit amidst all the recent changes in our ministry, and we thank God for blessing us on our journey.
Matt hasn’t been flying on weekends as much due to plane issues. The aircraft needs a lot of fixing to ensure it can fly safely. We are still praying about where aviation will lead us and how God will guide us in this regard. We’re continuing our search, but we don’t want to pressure ourselves too much with regard to missionary aviation, as this journey is in God’s hands. We aim to follow where God leads us without succumbing to peer pressure. Right now, we’re committed to full-time ministry, and we believe aviation will come our way. If you happen to think of us, please pray for us in this direction. We love serving, and we believe that our actions are meant to please God and not people.
We are actively pursuing pregnancy and please keep us in your prayers for conception to take place in God’s timing. For those who are curious, Matt underwent a reversal surgery a year ago to enable us to have a child. We’re not bored; we just want to expand our family. We believe it is God’s plan, so we surrender fertility to His hands and the multiplication of our family. I’m aware that if you saw my face, you’d be giggling at what I mean.
As we continue to serve, we are deeply grateful for the experiences and opportunities that God has provided along our journey. We recognize and are in awe of His grace, mercy, and kindness towards all those who have been impacted by our ministry. We understand that we are not flawless; however, we are committed to daily renewal and believe that we have been specifically called for God’s purposes. It is humbling and brings us great joy to be in the center of His will in our lives.
We are often moved to tears due to the immense need to restore God’s people in the field. Despite that, we know that there are only a few who have answered this call, and it is crucial that we work hard to bring healing to those who are hurting.
If you feel inspired to support us in our ministry through prayer, we would be honored if you could send us an email. We welcome the opportunity to connect with you. For more information about our ministry and how you can get involved, please be sure to book an appointment with two of our ministry partners by following the link below. Thank you for taking the time to read our message, and we appreciate all your prayers.