2017 Newsletter


“Lord no matter what the cost”

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:8 esv.

Missionary Field Journey

It is a leap of faith! And though it was hard to move away from New Mexico, and our family, we are filled with so much joy and courage as we “go all in” for what God has for us. Matt and I pack up our RV on April, 9th 2017 and started driving from New Mexico to Florida. We had faced we so many challenges before moving. Delays came from every side once we started to move to were God wanted us. Through all of this, we never cease to pray and lay down our petitions before God with Joy and thanks giving. We know that He is and was ahead of us and he already set aside our needs before we even prayed and asked for His provision. God blessed Matt and I with a community of people lifting us up in prayer and supporting us financially. We are filled with so much joy of the goodness of God showing Himself off.

When we arrived in Florida June 4th, 2017 and our new ministry journey began. The College of Missionary Aviation is in a humble, small town in Keystone Heights. We parked our RV at Lake Swan Camp outside of Melrose, Florida. This camp had connections with the college and hosted our stay for a few months until we can found a new place to stay. We were so thankful for the transition and enjoyed our stay in their small RV park. We made friends right away in this small town of Melrose as I got connected with the art community who welcomed me with open arms.

Matt Started his class June 15th, and at the same time worked as Uber driver on the weekends. I also have started doing more paintings for our local gallery. The first month was a bit of an adjustment as we settled in. God taught us so much and spoke to Matt and I through the Holy Spirit about our journey. We found a Spirit filled church 50 minutes drive from where live named Greenhouse Church and got plugged in there. We also joined a small group from that church called a micro church and meet once week. We are on the Bible belt are and there are so much Christian churches in the area. We are sure God set us up!

Matt started his flight class on August 11th, and enjoyed it! He is making sure he is on top of everything in his class and always on the Deans list. That is something to be proud of! The College has so many volunteered professors teaching Bible courses. I think this is the kingdom of God looks like, people who are joyfully serving people. Matt has so many books to read and I am thankful to have learned bits and pieces of what he is studying.

September 12th, was our first experienced in Florida’s hurricane season. The Lake Swan Camp gave us a place to shelter in one of their retreat rooms so that we could be secure from a strong hurricane landfall. Hurricane Irma devastated a lot of property in southern Florida. When it reached us it was still a category 2 hurricane. Here is Matt reporting about the hurricane. Click the video link.

October 10th we moved to a new location with our RV. A Christian retirement community called Park of the Palms, graciously rented us an RV site. It is a beautiful and quiet place near Brooklyn Lake. We love it! Matt and I got our fishing license and start fishing in the lake. We love this wisdom filled community of great people who are always praying for us when they learn about our journey.

I have volunteered at the college to do multimedia work while Matt is in school. I made some promotional videos and materials to help promote the college. It was a great experience to be able to serve them with my God given skills.

In December, I was able to do a solo art exhibit and was so thankful for the amount of people who attended my art show. It was covered in the local news paper due the the rare coffee medium. Matt has had multiple opportunities to share his testimony in front of the churches and small groups. We are just in awe of God’s blessings to us through the community. We are encouraged in our journey and challenged us to go deeper in our walk with Christ. Our first year was marked by challenges but we are always got reminded of God’s goodness and how God speaks to us in many ways.

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