1st quarter newsletter 2021
We are excited to tell you about all of the awesome things God has been doing since the beginning of this year. As Matt and I were praying for the next step of our journey after the College of Missionary Aviation graduation, God opened a door for us to be a part-time staff at Operation Light Force (OLF) in Tampa Florida. Matt was ordained as a pastor in Light Force Church. We started on February 2nd, and Matt is now facilitating ministry sessions as one of the ministers for their Broken Soul Ministry. We travel to Tampa 3 or 4 days a week. Matt and I continue doing Inner Healing and Deliverance online and in-person 2 days a week.
Matt continues his time building at Sky Diving Palatka, as a jump pilot, every weekend. He recently reached 500 hours of total time flying on April 10th. This is an important milestone in aviation. We will be waiting for God to open the next doors of our journey to the missionary aviation field. Last year we reached out to several missionary aviation organizations and we were challenged with the hold because of the pandemic as well as the need for more flight time. Hopefully, this year will open up opportunities and the need for missionary pilots. We are thankful that Matt was able to step into a job time building when most pilots were grounded. Only God can do things like that! Though this might look like a slow transition for us to get into the missionary aviation field, we have great confidence in God and His perfect timing. We are being equipped more and more and Matt and I are grateful to God for He is good and in control. We are completely dependent on Him and where He is taking us. We have been enjoying the ride while we wait. What a paradox!
I am about to complete the Greenhouse School of Ministry by the end of April this year and will be graduating in June. This has been an amazing journey for me as I have learned so many wonderful things about God, His Word, and discipleship. I have enjoyed every bit of this class as God is revealing His beauty while I seek Him deeply. The Greenhouse School of Ministry is a 9-month program for discipleship intensive training and for spiritual growth and maturity. I have also been given an opportunity to serve in the media ministry at OLF and will be working with other staff members in this area.
We have started with our partnership development and will spend time inviting people to be part of our team as we serve God through our ministries. We are passionate about the works of God that bring healing and justice to the broken-hearted and setting captives free from all oppression and bondages. We cannot count how many wonderful things God is doing to the lives of the people that He brought to this ministry that we serve. The testimonies are supernatural encounters of the power of God and His great love for His children. His workings are incredible and Matt and I are willing vessels to be used for the advancement of God’s Kingdom. All praises and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!
We need all your support in prayers and encouragement lifting all of our concerns to God. Special intercession is needed for the Inner Healing and Deliverance ministry and Broken Souls ministry. The joy of serving God and partnering with Him is our reward and keeps us going. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting Matt and I as one of our prayer partners.

+1 505 550 8738
Access to OLF (General options to "Matt Kindle Fund")